Following the Madhab or Taqlid

The acceptance without proof of a statement of another on the belief that the statement is being made in accordance with facts and proof (daleel) is called Taqleed.

Hadhrat Aswaad Bin Yazid Rathi Allahu anhu narrates:
” Hadhrat Mu’aath ( Rathi Allahu ta ala anhu ) came to us in Yemen as a teacher and commander. We questioned him regarding a man who had died leaving (as his heir) a daughter and a sister. He decreed half the estate for the daughter and half for the sister. This was while Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim was alive.” Bukhari and Muslim

From this hadith Shareef we can see that Taqleed was in vogue during the time of Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. The questioner (in the hadith) didn’t ask for proof from Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. He accepted the ruling on the integrity, piety and righteousness of Hadhrat Mu’aath lbn Jabal Rathi Allahu ta ‘ala anhu. This is a perfect example of Taqleed. This hadith proves that the concept of Taqleed Shakhsi (accepting a ruling on Islamic law without asking for proof) has been around since the time of Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim. Holy Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim had appointed Hadhrat Mu’aath Rathi Allahu ta ‘ala anhu to provide religious instruction to the people of Yemen.
It is therefore evident that Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim granted the people of Yemen the right and permission ( lthn ) to follow the Mathhab of Hadhrat Mu’aath Rathi Allahu ta ‘ala anh in all affairs of Deen.

The evil ‘ulama dare not outright attack the principles of Taqleed so they attack It by saying that the followers of a Mathhab must know the proof upon which the ruling of the Mathhab is based, and to accept the ruling without proof is shirk (to worship someone or something beside Allahu ta ‘ala ).

“The Wahhabi book “Fath-ul- Majeed” says on It Its 66, 107 and 386th pages that it is necessary to do Ijtihaad in every time. It says on its 387 and 390th pages that those who follow a Mathhab should know the proofs of their Mathhab. If they do not know they become polytheists. On Its 432nd page, it contradicts itself by saying that the ignorant cannot do Ijtihaad (draw rules of how to practice Deen directly from Holy Qur’an and Hadith)

There is ample proof that in this day and age when most of the people are concerned with this worldly life and suffer from Hubb-e-Dunya ( love of the World ) and follow the dictates of the lower desires, if left alone to make decisions for themselves the vast majority would judge according to that which of course appeals to the lower desires. This is evident even among the so- called ‘Ulama who have strayed from the path and because of Hubb-e-Dunya write fataawa for deviated and fasiq governments in Muslim countries. Making Heal Hiram and making Haraam Halaal, they declare Muslims as kuffar while accepting funds from their corrupt masters for their work. These individuals think they are on par with the true ‘Ulama and the pious Shaikhs while shunning even the most basic of Islamic duties.

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